MEXT Scholarship FAQ

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Questions about the MEXT scholarship? Ask them in the comments here or on the individual FAQ pages listed below!

If you have any questions about the MEXT scholarship application process (or any of my articles on the subject), please ask them in the comments or below or in the FAQ article for your specific subject.

FAQs Released so Far

Here are the links to the existing pages:


Given the recent volume of questions, I am afraid that I no longer have the time to answer each emailed question one-by-one and get you the response you want in a timely manner.

Instead, I will group similar questions and answer them in the subject-by-subject FAQ articles linked above.

Live Q&A?

Once TranSenz reaches $50 in monthly support on Patreon, I will start a monthly live video Q&A. If you are interested in supporting this effort, or simply getting faster responses to your questions and access to articles ahead of everyone else, you can become a patron of TranSenz for as little as $2 per month!

Get All the Answers, Fast

When you sign up for my MEXT Scholarship Mailing List, I will send you my sample MEXT application forms as well as a email course introducing you to the essentials of the MEXT scholarship application, step-by-step.

Tips to Get Your Questions Answered Faster

There are some ways you can get your question featured faster:

  • Be clear. Let me know what type of application process (Embassy/University/Domestic Selection) you’re asking about, what level (Undergraduate/Graduate), what year, and any other relevant details. If I have to guess what you mean – or write back to you to ask you to clarify your question, it’s going to take more time.
  • Be detailed. If your question is “Please help me with the MEXT Scholarship application” or “I don’t know where to start,” then read through the articles that exist on this site first. Specific questions that are easier to understand and research will get answered first. If your question seems like it’s asking for a half-hour sit-down chat, then it’s probably not possible for me to answer in the FAQ.
  • Be original. If there is an FAQ for your question already, please watch/read what I have posted in there already. If you ask a question that’s just been answered, it will take me longer to circle back to it.
  • Don’t be selfish. Questions that can help more people will get answered first. If your question is specific to only your case, it’s going to take me longer to get to it.

Can’t Wait?

If you’re really in a hurry, you can join the community of TranSenz Supporters on Patreon. These are people who generously donate to help me cover the site costs and production expenses for this website for as little as a few dollars a month.

As one small way of expressing my gratitude to them, I answer their questions on a priority basis, including individual questions.

If you are interested in becoming a TranSenz supporter (whether or not you want faster answers), you can get all of the details here.

Subject Specific FAQs

As I release and publish new Q&As and Q&A videos, I will post each of them on a separate page for that subject. Before posting a new question, please check to see if it’s already been answered, to save yourself some time!
If you can’t find an answer, you can post your question in the comments on the subject-specific page or on this page.

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